Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Man Who Planted Swag

This is the story of the man who planted SWAG.
There once was a man who lived in a barren land. For as far as the eyes could see the land was dead and swagless. The one day a single lone man said YOLO, and he started to collect swag seeds so that he could grow SWAG on the boring land. He would collect swag seeds and then at night look at each carefully through his stunner shades. The man chose only the most swagilishish seeds to be planted. After he had collected 100 seeds he soaked them in red bull and beer, so they could have all of the nourishment that any swag seed would need in order to grow into a mighty SWAG tree. In the morning the man traveled out to the boring land to plant his swag seeds. Every day this man worked  to plant his SWAG trees and slowly as the years passed the mans SWAG trees grew until one day there was a mighty SWAG forest. And all of the swagless people journeyed to the forest to bask in the magnificent SWAG. None knew of the mans great quest of SWAG, but he didn't care, for the man said YOLO and continued to plant his SWAG seeds in other lands to increase the amount of SWAG in the world.
The Man Who Planted Swag
The Kanye-West Who Planted Trees
The Man Who Planted Akira



  2. Where might one find these swag trees, not that I need any swag I've got plenty but my friend......

  3. Look at all the swag in the wind

  4. Akira: The Man Who Planted Tetsuo's Forehead (it just keeps growing. It's a natural habitat now, Natural Sanctuary)

    1. no, now it's a whole freaking universe

    2. Tetsuo's forehead is its own universe did you even watch the movie??!!?1?1?!?

  5. I don't know what's going on right now but I like it.
